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The College


Gopabandhu Choudhury College, Ramachandrapur, Jajpur established in the year 1965 is the senior-most Non-govt. degree college in Jajpur district. It was named after the veteran social reformer, Bhoodan idealist, Sarbodaya Sadhaka & Freedom fighter “Punyatma Gopabandhu Choudhury”, popularly famed as " Dhuli Matira Santha", one of the worthiest sons of the soil in the pre & post independent period. "Gopabandhu Choudhury and Rama Devi" -the illustrious couple and so many other freedom fighters and Martyrs Like Saunti, Sananda, Hadibandhu & Mayadhar used to stay at Ramachandrapur, Bari, Gopabandhu- Rama Devi" ASHRAM, the then known by "Maulika Shikhya Parisada" later on culminated into GOPABANDHU CHOUDHURY COLLEGE. GOPABANDHU- RAMADEVI ASHRAM" was the testing laboratory of Gandhian Principles of " Satyagraha and self-reliance ".during the freedom struggle.

The institution owes its inspiration and origin to "PUSPAVIHAR UNIVERSITY " at Ratnagiri, once a renowned world-famous Buddhist University, and its adjoining "GOLDEN BUDDHIST QUADRANGLE like Ratnagiri, Laitgiri, Udayagiri (Bahadiha) and Langudi-Puspagiri. Pushpagiri Mahavihara (2nd century BC to 10th century AD), was an important Buddhist seat of higher learning in ancient India along with Nalanda, Vikramashila, Odantapuri, Takshashila, and Vallabhi.

As a rural-based institution, it caters to the educational and pedagogical needs and aspirations of a wide range of agrarian citizenry settled across 7-8nos. of CD-Blocks, 3 Assembly Constituencies in Jajpur, Kendrapada, and undivided Cuttack District respectively. Its’ campus-based academic prowess with diverse future-led career promotional opportunities are available in ample for ease of access and availed by the students aspiring, researchers, scholars, and academia. Despite the fact, that the Institution has been located in a cyclone-prone, flood-affected, and poor socio-economic region for decades, it has been striving for excellence with poor infrastructure. Its academic activities and diverse opportunities are available to rural students and faculties on the campus. This degree college also plays a pivotal role in the field of higher education in Odisha.

The college promotes a vibrant and dynamic environment of learning and inquiry. It offers unique opportunities for academic and research collaborations across the state and the region. In spite of all these qualifications, it still struggles for infrastructure and remains neglected for its own identity. ‘Ramadevi Womens’ College has been elevated to the stature of a University whereas Gopabandhu Choudhury College still continues as a Non-Govt.Degree College.